Discover a welcoming community and a faith that celebrates diversity.

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We Have A Place For You Here

No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.

You are welcome here with your hurts, your joys, your concerns and your questions. We don’t pretend to have all the answers, but we want to know how to join you on your journey with the Holy, and we want you to be a part of ours. Every person here has a different walk of faith, but we strive to have the same respect for each other and our individual walks with God.

Getting to Know New Vision UCC


The best way to decide if New Vision UCC is right for you is to join us for worship Sundays at 10:30 AM in person or from the worship section of this website.


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One of the best ways to meet people, build relationships, and grow as a follower of Christ is to volunteer for a cause that suits your passion.


We would love to hear from you. If you have questions, a special need, or would like to meet someone on our leadership team, please send us a message.

Discover New Vision UCC!

Discover meaningful ways to connect and get involved. Through our ministry groups, classes, and special events, we offer avenues to support your spiritual life and ways to serve at New Vision UCC and beyond.


Our Values

Radical Welcome

No matter who you are or where you on life’s journey, you are welcome here.

You are welcome here with your hurts, your joys, your concerns, and your questions. We don’t pretend to have all the answers, but we want to know how to join you on your journey with the Holy, and we want you to be a part of ours. Every person here has a different walk of faith, but we strive to have the same respect for each other and our individual walks with God.

Expansive Love

Inclusive / Exclusive / Expansive

At New Vision we try to think in terms of Expansive, rather than “Inclusive,” which still implies separation. We try to embody a mindset and express a love that is not limited, but rather ever expanding. We do not believe Love is a limited quantity that must be reserved and allocated based on merit. We believe that Love, like God, is Expansive, and able to grow without diminishing.

Progressive Thinking

Our faith is ancient, our thinking is not.

We all have different beliefs and different journeys. We are conservative, liberal, moderate, and everywhere around and in between. We are progressive in our effort to respect our differences, no matter what theology we believe, and try to create a holistic community that has at its center a Holy Presence and Holy Calling.

Spiritual Transformation

Never place a period where God has placed a comma.

Through all of these things, and through the great gifting of God, we are transformed as individuals and as a community to become partners in God’s great work of building a world of justice and peace.

3129 Market Ave. N

Canton, OH 44714

(330) 491-1462



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